Rules for Applying Adhesive Scrim Tape to Wall Renders

Adhesive scrim tape is an economical, lightweight and versatile product which can be used for many wall rendering applications. It is made from a polypropylene scrim fabric which has been impregnated with a solvent acrylic adhesive. This adhesive helps to ensure that the tape adheres firmly to the render surface; making it ideal for use in walls, ceilings and other tough surfaces.

Scrim tape offers excellent adhesion performance but there are some important rules you should follow when applying it. These rules will help ensure you get the best results and make your project look great.

plasterboard tape

Preparing the Wall Render Surface

Before applying any adhesive scrim tape, you must first prepare the wall render surface. This is an essential step and will help ensure the tape adheres securely to the wall render.

Begin by using a clean cloth or brush to remove any dirt, dust and debris from the render surface. Once this has been done, use a damp cloth to clean away any stubborn marks. If you are applying the tape indoors, ensure that there is no moisture present in the area – this can cause problems with adhesion.


Applying Adhesive Scrim Tape

Once you have prepared the wall render surface, it’s time to apply your adhesive scrim tape! Start by cutting off a length of tape which is slightly longer than the area you need to cover. For example, if you need to cover a 2-metre section of wall render, cut the tape at least 3 metres long.

Now you are ready to begin applying the tape. Peel back a small section of the backing paper and press the exposed adhesive against one side of the wall render surface. Use your fingers to ensure that it makes good contact with the surface. Now peel back more backing paper and press down on this section as well. Continue in this manner until all sections have been applied and there is no exposed backing paper left.


Securing Adhesive Scrim Tape

Once you have applied all sections of adhesive scrim tape to the wall render surface, you must then secure them firmly in place. This can be done by using a wallpaper brush, a putty knife or a wallpaper roller.

Use the brush to gently rub the tape into place, making sure you cover all areas. If any air bubbles form, press them out using the brush or putty knife. You may need to repeat this process several times until all air bubbles have been removed and your adhesive scrim tape is firmly in place.


Finishing Touches

Once you have secured your adhesive scrim tape in place, it’s time for the finishing touches! Use a damp cloth to smooth down any edges which may be sticking up or curved away from the wall render surface. Make sure that no exposed backing paper is visible – if there is, then use a small piece of tape to secure it down.

Finally, use a clean cloth or brush to wipe away any excess adhesive which may have leaked out from around the edges of the tape. This will help ensure that your wall render looks neat and tidy and that your adhesive scrim tape stays in place for longer.



Adhesive scrim tape is a great product for many wall rendering projects – but it is important to follow the right rules when applying it. By preparing the surface properly, applying the tape carefully and securing it firmly in place, you can ensure that your project looks great and will last for years to come. So don’t forget these essential steps – they’ll make all the difference!